Des microbes dans la glace de l'Arctique suggèrent la présence
de vie sur Mars (2005-oct-06)
OSLO (AP) - La découverte de microbes vivants dans une
glace peut-être vieille d'un million d'années, dans un archipel
lointain de l'Océan Arctique, soutient la théorie de la présence
de vie sur les pôles gelés de la planète Mars, ont
annoncé mardi des scientifiques norvégiens. Une
équipe internationale de chercheurs a effectué des forages
sur la calotte glaciaire des îles Spitzberg (Norvège), à
l'emplacement du volcan éteint Sverrefjell. C'est selon eux le seul
endroit sur Terre où l'on peut trouver des cristaux de magnétite,
des minéraux semblables à ceux qui avaient été
trouvés sur un météorite provenant de Mars et découvert
dans l'Antarctique en 1996.
"Nous avons découvert une oasis microbiologique dans des carottes
de glace bleue sur les Spitzberg. C'est un milieu extrêmement dur,
dans lequel nous ne nous attendions pas à trouver de la vie",
a déclaré le responsable de l'Arctic Mars Analog Svalbard
Expedition, Hans Amundsen, de l'université d'Oslo. "De
telles carottes volcaniques remplies de glace peuvent probablement être
trouvées sur Mars aussi, et pourraient accueillir la vie sur la
planète", a estimé Andrew
Steele, le responsable scientifique américain de l'expédition,
qui a entamé ses recherches en 2003 sur le Sverrefjell, dont l'éruption
a transpercé la calotte glaciaire il y a un million d'années.
Des sondes spatiales envoyées sur Mars par la NASA et par l'Agence
spatiale européenne ont prouvé la présence d'eau gelée
sur les pôles de la planète rouge. L'eau est une condition
importante à l'apparition d'organismes vivants, mais de nombreux
scientifiques estiment que Mars est actuellement trop froide pour accueillir
la vie, ce que les découvertes de l'équipe d'Hans Amundsen
pourrait contredire. Notre planète voisine partage avec les Spitzberg
un permafrost (sol gelé tout au long de l'année), la présence
de volcans et peut-être de sources chaudes
dont l'eau transperce la surface gelée,
a affirmé l'équipe. []
The Antebuddha... or the Antechrist ? (2005-Oct-01)
Cambodian villagers beat suspected robber
to death
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) - About 100 people from five villages in central Cambodia spent seven hours chasing down a suspected thief that they later beat to death with sticks and stones, police said Thursday. The villagers Monday attacked 19-year-old Bou Soben, who has long been accused of stealing locals' motorcycles and money. He spent time in prison last year for theft, said Touch Naroth, police chief of Kampong Chhnang province. They pursued him through rice fields and the jungle after his latest alleged crime: he was accused of attacking his uncle two weeks ago, stealing the man's motorcycle and later selling it, Touch Naroth said. "We really regret that the villagers killed this (man)," he said, adding that authorities found out too late about the incident to save him. No villagers were charged in the attack. |
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N.P. : This happened at the beginning of Pchum
Ben, one of the holiest Cambodian Buddhist celebrations : the holidays
of the Deaths. These peasants (100 from 5 villages!) are supposed to be
more Buddhist than the citydwellers. Yet they forgot the teaching of Buddha
and of God (thou shall not murder) and obeyed only their evil impulse of
hatred and vengeance. The Antebuddha (or the Antechrist) may not be a person
but a multitude!
Till now no statement whatsoever has come from the Cambodia Buddhist clergy
hierarchy as regard to this murder.
Simon Wiesenthal, le "chasseur" de nazis, est mort
(2005-sep-20) Le Monde : Simon Wiesenthal est mort, mardi 19 septembre, à Vienne, à l'âge de 96 ans, a annoncé le centre qui porte son nom sur son site Internet. Toute sa vie durant, il a traqué des criminels nazis et permis d'en traduire plus d'un millier en justice, parmi lesquels Adolf Eichmann, responsable zélé de "la solution finale du problème juif". "Ce que j'ai fait, c'est à la fois pour les jeunes et pour ceux qui sont morts, car j'ai survécu et ce privilège implique un devoir", disait ce rescapé des camps d'extermination. Pour ce faire, il a créé après la seconde guerre mondiale un centre d'information sur les criminels nazis, point de départ de la traque des bourreaux. |
14-Sep-05 |
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N.P. : Communiqué officiel : "Notre religion est en pleine croissance. Il y a de plus en plus de pagodes, de plus en plus de bonzes." (sic!) [Photos Radio Free Asia et Koh Santepheap] : The Congress may
need to consider agendas with serious steps in reformation from top to
bottom in order to re-instill the religious morality and ethical responsibility.
The reformation in religion will alleviate communal poverty and fraudulency
as a whole. Remarkably unacceptable is that Buddhist Religion in Cambodia
uses no profound Khmer literacy but foreign languages that did no good
to the majority comprehension. It reminds me -- everytime I heard the monks
recited Sri Lankan verses of Pali or other abandoned language Sanskrit
-- that those men were taught to uplift foreign superiority and influences
rather than their own origins ; yet people blindly accepted without any
Some of the men whom I personally knew and who had been monks admitted
they still did not comprehend what they used to chant daily is all about.
It appears Cambodia religion practices oblige no reciprocation as in economic
principles. Temples overpopulated with
monks are serving not assets but societal
liability. I have been around and grown in Buddhist environment from childhood
to date but I am still not convinced Cambodia Buddhism branch impacted
something of outside but its own with very questionable practices. That
broke the very Khmer heart as we strive to re-evaluate and re-invigorate
our native pride and dignity.
Population wise Cambodia has approximately 11 millions with two archpatriarchs
with glamorous temples. Cambodia has its own incognito religious hierarchy
without other nations' recognition/affiliation, which in itself is a counterproductive
and an isolated fiefdom. Cambodia is the poorest country in the region
and yet it has more religious men in temple than its viable armed forces.
These men (at least 70%) are in idle mode periodically and contribute none
to the feeding system (deficit).
Typically the poorer commune has the largest number of monks that required
more buildings and sustenance (deficit).
Cambodia Buddhism practices inflating quantity rather than quality
thus the needs to maintain infrastructures were un-proportional (deficit).
Cambodia has created an immune society with privileges but less active
and productive for the greater community good (deficit).
It is my sincere concern that it may be soon a downfall of society as a
whole in allowing such societal incompetency and burden to sustain itself
out of religious devotees' poverty. This is a non-apologetic suggestion
which the monk congress should consider in order to help alleviate Cambodia
poverty and -- needless to say -- corruption and fraud. It is a moral and
spiritual duty for the monks who also are citizens to, at least, do for
the society. [Camdisc]
Buddha, the feminist (2005-Sep-04)
"Kao-Ly Yang" <> : Hi, Bonjour;
is certainly one of the most interesting article I ever read about Buddha
and Buddhism. 2,500 years ago, the Lord Buddha said: "Many women are superior
to men. Geniuses as well. They give birth to male children, many of whom
become kings".
certainement un très intéressant article que j'ai lu avec
admiration sur le Boudha et le Boudhisme. Il y a 2500 ans déjà,
le Bouddha a dit: "Beaucoup de femmes sont supérieures aux hommes.
Des génies aussi. Elles donnent naissance à des enfants males
dont certains sont devenus rois". [Soc.Culture.Cambodia]
Buddha, the feminist , by Chandrabhan Pasad
According to a UNICEF study conducted in 1984 in Mumbai, out of 8,000 sex
determination cases, where fetuses were terminated, 7,999 were of females.
According to another study, in Jaipur alone, about 3,500 female fetuses
are terminated annually. Sita Agrawal in her groundbreaking work The
Vedic Obliteration establishes that 50 million women have been
killed in the past century. The sex determination technology which has
now reached every nook and corner of small towns in North-West India is
witnessing female infanticide.
We all live in the man's world, patriarchy running deep in our blood. Dalits
are increasingly turning to Buddhism, a religion based on reason and basic
human wisdom, and hence a greater need to understand Lord Buddha. Buddhism
is not so much about ritualism it is more about the intellectualism. Once
when Lord Buddha was in Shravasti for a short stay, Kosal's king Prasanjit
called on him. While they were in deep conversation, a messenger arrived
from Kosal with an urgent message - that Queen Mallika Devi had delivered
a girl child. The king was visibly upset. Reading the King's body language,
Buddha gave him dhamopdesh: "Many women are
superior to men. Geniuses as well. They give birth to male children, many
of whom become kings".
In other words, Buddha was reminding the King that he himself was born
out of a woman. In Buddha's philosophy men and women depend on each other
and that must reflect in mutual recognition and respect. Buddha, on this
occasion, was siding with women. A fact that I was unaware of even though
I am an avid reader. It was brought to me when I read Anand Shrikrishna's
latest book Gautam Buddha and His Updesh.
As a leader-scholar of Buddhism, Shrikrisna is reviving the way Babasaheb
Ambedkar had perceived the great philosophy of Buddhism. Any philosophy,
be it religious, or political, stands to serve its adherents, not vice
versa. In the case of religion, the moment the
adherents put themselves at the service of their faith, they land up doing
it disservice. They tend to imbibe ritualism rather than the rationale.
In the case of modern day Dalits embracing Buddhism, the tendency is to
deviate from the path shown by Buddha and Ambedkar.
Ritualism is being preferred over the intellectual aspect of Buddhism.
By deploying his scholarly insight, Shrikrishna has brought out Buddhism
as a service to humanity. The way his book explores Buddha's approach on
the gender question, it makes the Lord the first feminist of history. Buddha
established an independent bhikkhuni sangha or, Sangha of Buddhist nuns.
The Buddhist scholar-nuns wrote Therugatha, deconstructing the Vedic notions
of emancipation, re-birth and salvation. A host of women in the Buddhist
circle explored their genius and rose to greater heights in realm of philosophy,
religion, social work, and humanism than their male counterparts. Names
such as Sumangal Mata, Gautami, Amrapali, Princess Khema and Vasanti make
Buddhism the most gender-correct religion.
One must always remember, as Anand Shrikrishna reminds us, that Buddha
held this opinion on women 2,500 years ago when under the Vedic system
women were considered vehicles of all that was evil in the world. The present
day Buddhists, therefore, should be diehard feminists. Emancipating themselves
from patriarchy would be first step in that direction.
Impact: The Union Government has decided to
restore Iyothee Thass' name to The National Centre for Siddha Research
in Chennai. Ravikumar, the Pondichery-based Dalit theorist had raised his
concern in this column dated August 28, 2005, over deletion of the Dalit
hero's name from the proposed institution.