sommaire des vieux textes |
Editor: Al Santoli : On April 20, China’s Strongman Hu Jintao
begins his first visit to Washington -- after being wined and dined in
Seattle by US corporations such as Boeing and Microsoft. In the weeks before
Hu’s visit, China’s Trade Minister laid the political/business groundwork
with $16 billion of new business deals with large American corporations.
At the same time, however, the Chinese government issued a series of new
regulations to censor and control websites and
others electronic media. In addition, new official restrictions
were placed on Chinese broadcasters to ban the use of foreign news footage,
as well as Western publications. Hu and Microsoft mogul Bill
Gates celebrated massive new Chinese contracts and Hu’s promises
of anti-piracy on Microsoft’s intellectual property which took precedent
over the persecution of journalists and web surfers using Microsoft systems.
More significantly, the new trade deals with a handful of doting American
moguls, barely scratches the surface of the annual $200 billion trade advantage
Beijing holds over the US, which has been synchronized with China’s massive
military buildup.
Bush Admin’s Illusory Alliance with Beijing:
During the past year, senior Bush Administration officials have sent dangerous
mixed-signals to Chinese leaders. On one hand, the Administration has expressed
concern about China’s growing military buildup
and growing competition over scarce natural resources, such as oil and
China’s role in support of radical regimes, such as Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela.
On the other hand, Condoleeza Rice and Robert Zoellick at State Department
and some officials at the Defense Department have
called Beijing’s despotic communist leaders “shareholders” in creating
a new international order. The facts, embodied by the Hu
regime’s repression internally, the military buildup aimed at
international expansion against US interests and their support of brutal
and genocidal regimes around the world, show a dramatic contrast.
Internal Repression:
In addition to growing restrictions of freedom of expression and internet
communication, the regime has played a feigned
openness game with religious believers such Christians and Tibetan Buddhists
while continuing strict control. Worse, Hu’s fascistic police
have acted with unprecedented brutality to indigenous spiritual movements
such as the Falun Gong, which has an
estimated 100 million practitioners inside of China.
Sujiatun Death Camp:
The most recent shocking revelation has been the death camps for Falun
Gong prisoners at places such as Sujiatun, which has been reported
in the March 30, 2006 US National Review Online, the
April 16 Toronto Sun, the March 24 Washington Times and throughout
March and April in the international Chinese human rights publication Epoch Witnesses include relatives of victims and medical personnel
who have worked at the Sujiatun reputed death camp, located in northeast
China. They tell of hundreds of Falun Gong prisoners
who had their internal organs surgically removed – including hearts, kidneys,
lungs, corneas, retinas and human skin - while they were still alive and
sold to foreign recipients. The wife of a Chinese medical doctor
involved in the grisly process told the Epoch Times: “Many Falun Gong
prisoners were still alive when their organs were taken. After their organs
were taken out, some – including those still alive -- were thrown directly
into the crematorium to be burnt, leaving no evidence.”
Jay Nordlinger, writing for the National Review Online, warns: “Robert
Conquest, the renowned analyst of totalitarianism stated, ‘The world
has seldom wanted to believe witnesses or survivors of mass murder. Ten
or twenty years later [after any effective action could be taken to save
victims], but rarely sooner." Testimony out of the early Soviet
Union were scoffed at [by Western elite] as ‘tales from Riga.’
Tales of the Holocaust were initially called ‘Jewish whining.’ When
escapees from Mao Tse Tung spilled into Hong Kong [telling of the murder
of millions by the Chinese communists] they were called “embittered
Beijing’s Support of Genocide in Sudan:
Sudan is the scene of the most vicious mass murder and largest refugee
population in the world today. The Number One supporter of the brutal Sudan
regime is Beijing, which has substantial oil holdings in
the area where the genocide is occurring. Beijing continues to militarily
support and politically defend the Khartoum butchers against sanctions,
while they continue their violent depopulation of the oil fields area.
About 70 percent of Sudan’s oil exports go to China, and thousands of “guest
workers” supplied by Beijing work on the oil pipelines. On March
27, 2006, syndicated columnist Bill Hawkins cites: “Around 80 percent
of Sudan’s oil [profits go to buy weapons, primarily from China] while
the general population remains one of the poorest in the world.”
China’s Military and Political Support of Iran:
On April 18, 2006 an article in the Asia Times reported an immense strategic
shift in the balance of power throughout the Middle East and South Asia
-- China and Russia invited Iran to become
a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, an increasingly
powerful multilateral security alliance created a counter-force to US influence
in the region. As with Sudan, China and Russia have consistently opposed
sanctions on Iran for its nuclear weapons program. The April 13, 2006 official
People’s Daily stated: “The real intention behind the US fueling the Iran
issue is to prompt the UN to impose sanctions, and to pave the way for
a regime change. It is at the root of the nuclear issue.” In
addition, in March 2006, China bought the rights to a large tract
of land with potential oil fields in Iran along the Iraq border.
This should be seen as a counterweight against a US military invasion of
Iran. An April 17, 2006 publication by Charles Smith on, listed
new generations of Chinese missile technology to
counter US weapons systems being provided to Iran. These include the C-701
Kosar guided missile system and the C-802 Noor anti- ship missile which
can sea-skim at supersonic speeds for up to 100 miles. In addition, the
Shahab-3 ballistic missile has stealth capability and multiple- warheads,
with dummy warheads to trick US Patriot anti-missile systems.
History should be our greatest teacher. A great lesson in recent history
is that of British and American business and political elite, including
family- scions Prescott Bush and Joseph
Kennedy, who believed that business
with Hitler’s Germany would prevent attacks against their personal interests.
More tragically, the life and death issues of the vile persecution of ethnic
and religious minorities as well as, democratic activists, were not seen
as the true nature of the fascist regime. Within a short time after Britain’s
Neville Chamberlain declared “Peace is at hand,” after his
summit meeting with Hitler, London itself was bombed mercilessly.
17 Avril 1975 : Des victimes n'oublient pas (2006-Avr-15)
Amis et Compatriotes,
Le mois d’Avril est très important pour nous Khmers. AVRIL nous
apporte la joie de la Nouvelle Année et, après, l’APOCALYPSE
totale de notre Pays : le génocide perpétré par les
sauvages, sans foi ni loi, les Khmers Rouges – Le massacre avait commencé
à partir du 17 Avril 1975 et l’horreur avait durée jusqu’en
1979 – Pour nous Khmers, il est donc très significatif de commémorer
la mémoire de toutes nos victimes chaque année en Avril !
Les deux Associations des victimes MVGKR et VGKR seront très
honorées et souhaitent vivement vous compter parmi leurs amis en
cette Journée du 31e commémoration des Victimes du génocide
commis par les Khmers rouges. La cérémonie religieuse bang
skaul se déroulera le Dimanche 23 Avril 2006 à
partir de 9h à la Pagode de Vincennes comme chaque année.
Un autel commémoratif sera érigé devant le Temple.
Vous pourrez apporter du riz, des plats, des fruits et des fleurs ainsi
que des bougies et des baguettes d’encens. Merci par avance.
Pour toute l’Equipe de MVGKR et VGKR
Les Présidents : Lok OU Chal
- Lok Srei B. UNG Boun-Hor
China's firm to plant rubber in Cambodia (2006-Apr-03)
BEIJING: One of China's largest rubber producers has signed
a contract with a Cambodian firm to plant rubber trees there, marking the
start of a trend aimed at increasing China's supply, state media said Saturday.
Under the agreement between the Hainan Natural
Rubber Industry Group Corp and Suigang
Investment Development Co Ltd of Cambodia, the Chinese firm
would grow natural rubber on 62,659 hectares (154,767 acres) in Cambodia,
the Xinhua news agency said. Hainan Natural Rubber would also be able to
establish rubber and wood processing plants on the property and operate
a rubber trade, it said. The use of foreign land to grow natural resources
highlights China's need to satisfy growing demand for raw materials to
fuel economic growth.
Hun Sen at rubber plantation
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With just 600,000 hectares of arable land suitable for rubber planting in China, local producers were focusing on Africa and Southeast Asia where favorable land resources were still unused, Xinhua said. China had become the world's largest rubber consumer and importer since 2001, with domestic consumption hitting 2.04 million tonnes last year. However, it produced only about 500,000 tonnes a year. China's automobile industry alone would require some 716,000 tonnes of rubber by 2010, according to the Chinese Academy of Automobile Engineering. Xinhua quoted rubber expert Jiang Jusheng as saying that soaring world rubber prices, which had moved to 22,000 yuan (2,750 US dollars) per tonne from around 6,000 yuan (750 dollars) five years ago, had stung local producers. He said the agreement between the Chinese and Cambodian firms marked a turning point in the domestic industry as it pursued new development modes. Another Chinese rubber giant, Yunnan Natural Rubber Group Ltd planned to plant more than 3,000 hectares of rubber in Myanmar by 2010, and eventually expand it to 30,000 hectares, Xinhua said. [afp] |
Kampot dam gets green light (2006-Mar-25)
Agreement meets three key local demands
By Sam Rith , Phnom Penh Post : A Chinese company will begin
building a hydro-electric power dam on the Kamchay River near Kampot soon
after it wins expected approval from the National Assembly, said an official
at the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy (MIME). Bun Narith, deputy
general director of the General Department of Energy at MIME, confirmed
that negotiations with the Chinese state-owned company Sinohydro
about the dam's construction were completed in late February. "And now
the company is just waiting for a guarantee letter from the Cambodian government
that will be soon approved by the National Assembly," Narith said.
He said the senior minister at the Ministry of Economy and Finance had
signed the project paper and already sent it to the Council of Ministers.
"And now I have heard that the project paper has already been sent to the
National Assembly." Nin Saphon, vice chairman of the National Assembly's
ninth commission (public works, transport, telecommunications, post, industry,
mines, energy and commerce), said that her commission had not yet received
the dam building project paper.
The dam project is planned for the Kamchay River,
15 km north of Kampot town, in Mak Prang commune, Kampot district. It has
caused concern to both NGOs and some members of the public because of a
lack of public participation in its feasibility study, environmental impact
assessment and social impact assessment. Concern was expressed that the
dam would flood 2,600 hectares in the Bokor National Park, adversely affecting
wild animals and the livelihoods of people who harvest bamboo and rattan
from the forest, and increasing the risk of malaria and dengue fever. Narith
said that in the final negotiations the Cambodian government agreed that
Sinohydro would build a 110-meter-high dam on the Kamchay River,
two kilometers upstream from the scenic Tek Chhu
waterfall. It will produce 193 megawatts of electricity.
The company had agreed to three local demands that it had been resisting:
to supply electricity to Kampot city and province
(rather than transmitting it all to Phnom Penh), to use a high proportion
of Cambodian labor, and to allow continued access to bamboo cutters. "We
asked the company to supply electricity to the people in Kampot and to
hire at least 90 percent Khmer workers when the project starts," Narith
said. "And the company will not prohibit people who cross the site to
cut bamboo during the four years' construction." Narith said the project
will cost $280 million. It is thought
to be China's single biggest investment in Cambodia. In the contract, signed
on February 23, the Cambodian government allows Sinohydro to manage
the power plant for 30 years after completion of the dam in 2010.
The Kamchay River area has been the subject of interest from hydro-electric
power prospectors since the early 1960s. A study carried out a decade ago
by Canadian firms Pomerleau International, Hydro-Quebec and Experco, estimated
that a hydro-electric power plant at Kamchay could generate 469 gigawatt-hours
a year and reap $55 million a year from the sale of electricity. But early
attempts to get the project underway halted in the mid 1990s, when the
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) withdrew funding for the
Hydro-Quebec-Pomerleau feasibility study. Narith said the last feasibility
study was completed in late 2002 by the other Canadian firm, Experco.