Un ange, 64 milliardaires, 6 milliards et demi d'ordinaires (2005-Mar-13)
         NEW YORK (AP) - L'homme le plus riche de la planète reste le fondateur de Microsoft Bill Gates pour la onzième année consécutive avec une fortune d'un montant de 46,5 milliards de dollars (34,68 milliards d'euros), selon le magazine Forbes qui a publié son classement annuel des 60 personnalités les plus riches du monde. Bill Gates est toujours suivi par l'investisseur Warren Buffett avec 44 milliards de dollars (32, 81 milliards d'euros), dont la fortune a progressé de plus d'un milliard par rapport aux 42,9 milliards de dollars en 2004.
         En troisième place, l'Indien Lakshmi Mittal qui a fait fortune dans l'acier, affiche un porte-feuille de 25 milliards de dollars. Il s'agit d'une des progressions les plus spectaculaires cette année que cet industriel de 54 ans occupait le 62e rang de la liste Forbes l'an dernier.
         Il est suivi par le Mexicain Carlos Slim Helu, qui vient en quatrième position avec une fortune de 23,8 milliards de dollars bâtie dans les télécommunications, et de l'investisseur saoudien, le Prince Alwalid Ben Talal Alsaoud, avec 23,7 milliards de dollars. Ingvar Kamprad, à la tête du géant suédois Ikea occupe la sixième position avec 23 milliards de dollars. Viennent ensuite un autre responsable de Microsoft, l'Américain Paul Allen (7e, 21 milliards de dollars); le propriétaire de supermarchés allemands, Karl Albrecht (8e, 18,5 milliards de dollars); le patron d'Oracle, Lawrence Ellison (9e, 18,4 milliards de dollars). Et les cinq membres de la famille Walton, qui tirent leur fortune de la chaîne de magasins Wal-Mart, occupent le 10e au 14e places pour Robson, Jim, John, Alice, et Helen avec chacun une fortune d'environ 18 milliards de dollars. A eux cinq, la fortune des Walton s'élève à quelque 90 milliards de dollars.
         Voici le classement des 60 personnes les plus riches de la planète, établi par le magazine Forbes :

1. William Gates III, USA, 49 ans, 46,5 milliards de dollars, Microsoft
2. Warren Buffett, USA, 74 ans, 44 milliards, Berkshire Hathaway
3. Lakshmi Mittal, Inde, 54 ans, 25 milliards, acier
4. Carlos Slim Helu, Mexique, 65 ans, 23,8 milliards, télécommunications
5. Prince Alwalid Ben Talal Alsaoud, Arabie Saoudite, 48 ans, 23,7 milliards, investissements
6. Ingvar Kamprad, Suède, 78 ans, 23 milliards, Ikea
7. Paul Allen, USA, 52 ans, 21 milliards, Microsoft, investissements
8. Karl Albrecht, Allemagne, 85 ans, 18,5 milliards, supermarchés
9. Lawrence Ellison, USA, 60 ans, 18,4 milliards, Oracle
10. S. Robson Walton, USA, 61 ans, 18,3 milliards, Wal-Mart
11. Jim Walton, USA, 57 ans, 18,2 milliards, Wal-Mart
11. John Walton, USA, 59 ans, 18,2 milliards, Wal-Mart
13. Alice Walton, USA, 56 ans, 18 milliards, Wal-Mart
13. Helen Walton, USA, 85 ans, 18 milliards, Wal-Mart
15. Kenneth Thomson et famille, Canada, 81 ans, 17,9 milliards, édition
16. Liliane Bettencourt, France, 82 ans, 17,2 milliards, L'Oréal
17. Bernard Arnault, France, 56 ans, 17 milliards, LVMH
18. Michael Dell, USA, 40 ans, 16 milliards, Dell
19. Sheldon Adelson, USA, 71 ans, 15,6 milliards, casinos, hôtels
20. Theo Albrecht, Allemagne, 83 ans, 15,5 milliards, supermarchés
21. Roman Abramovich, Russie, 38 ans, 13,3 milliards, pétrole
22. Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong, 76 ans, 13 milliards, diversifié
23. Amancio Ortega, Espagne, 69 ans, 12,6 milliards, Zara
24. Steven Ballmer, USA, 49 ans, 12,1 milliards, Microsoft
25. Silvio Berlusconi, Italie, 68 ans, 12 milliards, médias
25. Abigail Johnson, USA, 43 ans, 12 milliards, Fidelity
27. Barbara Cox Anthony, USA, 81 ans, 11,7 milliards, Cox Enterprises
27. Anne Cox Chambers, USA, 85 ans, 11,7 milliards, Cox Enterprises
29. Stefan Persson, Suède, 57 ans, 11,2 milliards, Hennes & Mauritz
30. John Kluge, USA, 90 ans, 11 milliards, Metromedia
31. Raymond, Thomas et Walter Kwok, Hong Kong, l'âge n'a pas été communiqué, 10,9 ans, biens immobiliers
32. Forrest Mars Jr., USA, 73 ans, 10,4 milliards, confiserie
32. Jacqueline Mars, USA, 65 ans, 10,4 milliards, confiserie
32. John Mars, USA, 68 ans, 10,4 milliards, confiserie
35. Luciano Benetton et famille, Italie, 69 ans, 9,9 milliards, Benetton
35. Pierre Omidyar, USA, 37 ans, 9,9 milliards, Ebay
35. Galen Weston et famille, Canada, 64 ans, 9,9 milliards, vente au détail
38. Lee Shau Kee, Hong Kong, 77 ans, 9,3 milliards, biens immobiliers
38. Azim Premji, Inde, 59 ans, 9,3 milliards, software
40. Nasser Al-Kharafi et famille, Koweït, 61 ans, 9 milliards, construction
41. Kirk Kerkorian, USA, 87 ans, 8,9 milliards, investissements, casinos
42. Sumner Redstone, USA, 81 ans, 8,8 milliards, Viacom
43. Leonardo Del Vecchio, Italie, 69 ans, 8,5 milliards, opticien
43. Michele Ferrero et famille, Italie, 78 ans, 8,5 milliards, chocolats
45. Michael Otto , Allemagne, 61 ans, 8,3 milliards, vente au détail
46. Susanne Klatten, Allemagne, 43 ans, 8,2 milliards, BMW
46. Philip Knight, USA, 67 ans, 8,2 milliards, Nike
46. Hans Rausing, Suède, 79 ans, 8,2 milliards, conditionnement
49. Serge Dassault et famille, France, 80 ans, 7,8 milliards, aviation
49. Carl Icahn, USA, 69 ans, 7,8 milliards, rachats d'entreprises financés par l'endettement
49. Keith Rupert Murdoch, USA, 74 ans, 7,8 milliards, News Corp.
52. Rudolf August Oetker et famille, Allemagne, 88 ans, 7,7 milliards, alimentation
53. Birgit Rausing et famille, Suède, 81 ans, 7,6 milliards, conditionnement
54. Spiro Latsis et famille, Grèce, 58 ans, 7,5 milliards, banque
55. Sergey Brin, USA, 31 ans, 7,2 milliards, Google
55. Charles Ergen, USA, 52 ans, 7,2 milliards, EchoStar
55. Larry Page, USA, 32 ans, 7,2 milliards, Google
55. George Soros, USA, 74 ans, 7,2 milliards, "hedge funds"
55. Reinhold Wurth, Allemagne, 69 ans, 7,2 milliards, industrie
60. Mukesh and Anil Ambani, Inde, l'âge n'a pas été communiqué, 7 milliards, diversifié
60. Mikhail Fridman, Russie, 40 ans, 7 milliards, pétrole, banque
60. Vladimir Lisin, Russie, 48 ans, 7 milliards, acier
60. Donald Newhouse, USA, 75 ans, 7 milliards, édition
60. Samuel Newhouse Jr., USA, 77 ans, 7 milliards, édition.

         N.P. : Si l'on regarde l'horloge statistique de la population mondiale (disponible sur Internet), on voit que le monde a plus d'un bébé de plus à chaque seconde. Les nouveaux-nés ont plus de chance de naître chez les millions de pauvres que dans les quelques familles de riches. Les bouddhistes croient que ces bébés (âmes) viennent de leur vie antérieure, comme chacun de nous, dans 100 ou 200 ans, renaîtra sur la terre. Le monde sera encore là, avec la même (ou pas très différente) distribution de richesses, de bonheurs et de malheurs. Dieu est juste. Qui fait du bien recevra du bien, qui fait du mal recevra du mal. Nous avons tous connu les accomplissements de Mère Térésa, elle est maintenant un ange au Ciel. Nous pensons d'abord à nous-mêmes et sommes attachés à la vie présente, non pas complètement détachés comme Bouddha. Ça ne fait rien, Bouddha a dit que nous renaîtrons encore sur terre, en plus riche si nous sommes maintenant généreux, en plus pauvres si nous sommes aujourd'hui avares. Alors c'est à nous de voir. Dans 100 ou 200 ans, les milliards d'habitants de la terre, selon le Christ (Vie éternelle) et le Bouddha (Karma), ce seront encore nous, que nous le voulions ou non !

Jésus à Bénarès ? (2005-Mar-07)

         Dans les contes et légendes khmers, y compris le Ramayana, Krung Peareanaséi ou Bénarès était la cité où les héros se rendirent pour étudier les Védamantra des Maharishi, puis repartirent avec des pouvoirs magiques pour combattre des démons, des géants, des rivaux, etc. et gagnèrent les coeurs de leurs bien-aimées.
         Les enseignements du Bouddha rencontraient d'abord en Inde une grande résistance des castes supérieures (brahmane, ksatriya) mais plaisaient à celles inférieures (vésya, sudra) et aux pauvres. Il fallait attendre le règne du roi Açoka (292-236 av. J.-C.) pour voir l'épanouissement du bouddhisme dans Noqor Takkasila (Tacsile ou l'Inde d'Alexandre le Grand) et au-delà. En Afghanistan, on a trouvé sur un rocher des inscriptions louant le Bouddha, non en sanskrit, ni en pali, ni en grec mais en ... araméen. Or l'araméen était la langue parlée de Jésus-Christ. Des Juifs de cette époque pouvaient donc avoir entendu parler du bouddhisme. Selon le livre The Lost Years of Jesus, Jésus adolescent, après son passage au Temple à 12 ans, aurait passé 17 ans en Inde et au Tibet, de l'âge de 13 ans à 29 ans, avant de réapparaître, à 30 ans, dans la Bible et dans le fleuve Jourdain, baptisé par Jean. Aujourd'hui, des bouddhistes indiens et tibétains connaissent encore la légende du Sadhu Issa (le saint homme Puissant, nom donné à Jésus) et affirment qu'il existe des écrits (rouleaux) en pali qui relatent ses actes et ses enseignements. [Cliquer ici pour des extraits du livre The Lost Years of Jesus]

Copyright © Summit
University Press

Cambodian Buddhist Prophecy (2005-Mar-04)
           [N.P. : Excerpt from "Puddh Tomneay" (pages 8 to 11) by Kenneth T. So, a translation from the original book in Khmer and Pali. One may remark the style of the prose, that is a speech of Buddha addressed to His disciples, particularly His deputy Ananda. But the original (unknown) author was obviously a Khmer.]

         (...) This is near the Mid-Way of the Buddhist Era (16). My disciples, wait and observe at people of all genders in the country. If all they do are to eat, drink, commit sins, and gamble all over the places, then thieves will spring up everywhere and people will be only interested in their own fortunes. They will not participate in any charities and neither will they practice in moral conducts. The path will lead to destructions and killings of their own kinds, it will generate diseases and illnesses, and it will create famine that affect laymen as well as ministers and people of high rankings. This event will take place in the year of the Dragon (Chhnam Rong). Look at the stupa that preserves some of the remains of my body. It is located near Wat Unnalom (17) and it is in such a state of dilapidated condition. However, people will rebuild it. They will rebuild the Vihear Preah Keo Marakat (18) (the Emerald Temple) also. Look at all the new buildings that spring up all over the places, including the Psar Bak Touk (19) that has been newly completed. It is at this moment, when the Righteous King leaves for his ascetic practice that the sky becomes dark and cloudy, pouring rains for seven days and nights. From that moment on the weather is in turmoil. Rains will fall in the off seasons, changing dry seasons to rainy seasons for seven straight years. People are in bad moods and monks act and conduct themselves in immoral ways, but they all pretend to be righteous. Lay devotees also stop listening to Buddhism preaching.
         My disciple Ananda, when the crisis occurs on the 9th year of the 12-year lunar calendar, which corresponds to the year of the Monkey (Chhnam Vok), there is a king power from the Thamek (20) White Race at the fortress in Phnom Penh, but he loses power and decides to retreat. Then the White Race bestows the reign to a king named Thomakthonin who comes from the west. After that, the Thamek White Race sets up eight Thamek groups and let them defend and fight against the evil enemies. On the 10th year of the 12-year lunar calendar, which corresponds to the year of the Rooster (Chhnam Rokar), the evil enemies surrender and finally retreat from the kingdom completely. The population starts to come out of the forest one by one. On the 11th year of the 12-year lunar calendar, which corresponds to the year of the Dog (Chhnam Chor), there will be some more turmoils that are known as the big unrest. At Mid-Way of the Buddhist Era, a king from Naong Snao marches his army till it reaches Tonlé Chaktumuk. There will be seven years of war till bloods become common sights. The battle starts at Beong Srang (21) which spills over to Kampong Tuol, then reaches Phnom Penh near Tuol Preah Srey, and then the evil enemies fight non-stop all the way to Lvear Em, and finally the battle ends up at Tonlé Chaktumuk again.
         My disciple Ananda, this is the period when Buddhism in that region is completely destroyed except the existence of only four monks, one holy man, and one Achar (22) who rest under the shade of a bodhi tree. These cataclysmic events have infuriated Indra (23) as he opens his divine eyes and sees the catastrophe that is ravaging inside Kampu Borei (Cambodia). Indra decides to dispatch Visakamtevabot (24) who metamorphoses himself into a Chinese Kompi (25) Carrier searching for Preah Bat Thamek Reach (26) living down here on earth. During that time, Thmil Thamek (27) are fighting a war in all eight directions. Visakamtevabot has met Thamek Kok Thlok (28) and asks him if he has seen the Divine King. Thamek Kok Thlok tells the Chinese Kompi Carrier that he is the person he is looking for, but the Chinese says that he is not the right person. The Chinese turns around and asks the Achar the same question. The Achar answers that the Divine King has been living in Phnom Penh for 23 years. The metamorphosed Chinese, Visakamtevabot, answers back that he cannot find the Divine King without some help. The Achar then tells the Chinese to go ask Preah Moha Muni Essey. He then tells the Chinese that the Divine King lives at Phnom Tbèng in the northeast. When the Chinese Kompi Carrier arrives in Phnom Tbèng he sees a Bhikkhu (29) all by himself with his robe having the color of a smoke draping around him. He is meditating on a rock in quest of knowledge.
         The Chinese then asks the monk if he were the Divine King. The Bhikkhu says that he is not the person, and the reason he is so dedicated in his meditation because he is waiting for the arrival of Preah Bat Thamek Reach. The Chinese then politely asks the Bhikkhu to move away from the rock he is sitting on and go sit on a rock located on the north side instead. The Bhikkhu complies without protest. Suddenly, there is a divine appearance of a crown, a decorated neck bracelet, a golden shoes, and a silk clothing dropping from the sky accompanied by two angels. The Bhikkhu then asks where is Indra? As soon as the two angels answer that they are going to stay here on earth that Indra drops in and presents an umbrella decorated with different colors. The Bhikkhu asks for an elephant with blue tusks as a royal transportation to prepare for the Divine King. At the same time the Chinese Kompi Carrier begs Indra to go sit on the rock located in the south side because the royal elephant will be born to serve the Divine One. The Bhikkhu asks for kings Chaktarat (or Dhataraddha), Viruppakhak (or Virubakha), Viruklakhakkak (or Yama), and Kukverak (or Bubera) known as the Chaktuklokabal (30) (the four king-guardian angels). The four king-guardian angels appear and tell the Bhikkhu that they are going to stay here on earth.
         Again the Bhikkhu asks why the Supreme Bones of the Buddha (Preah Boromsereirekatheat) have not metamorphosed on his palm yet? Upon hearing this, the Chinese Kompi Carrier makes a wish for the ashes of bone to appear, and suddenly the Supreme Bones of the Buddha float down from all directions from the sky. At the same time, a collection of Tripitaka with all its 84,000 sectors from the various bodies of writings on Buddhist teachings floats down and congregates to the same location, presenting itself to Preah Bat Thamek Reach. The four king-guardian angels submit themselves as servants to the Divine King and proceed to escort him out of Phnom Tbèng, traversing Phnom Penh’s fortress and reaching Chroye Chankvar. In the meantime, the Thmil (mean, nasty, and ruthless people)'s left side bodyguard stretches his bow and arrows to prove his master’s might. It resonates in all seven directions, shaking the earth and heaven. The Thmil shouts to Thamek Kok Thlok asking him if he hears the thunderous noise creating by his divine bow and arrows? Then, the Thmil’s ride side bodyguard shoots the arrow up creating an earth shattering noise. The Thmil then tell Thamek Kok Thlok that he is the Divine One and demands that the fight must be stopped. Thamek Kok Thlok asks his people not to listen but keep on fighting. At that moment, the servants of Preah Bat Thamek Reach shouts to Thamek Kok Thlok’s people to stop fighting.
         However, the Thmil’s people keep on shooting but bullets do not come out of the gun barrels. Only water and flowers comes out of the barrels, thus offering as gifts to the Divine One. Upon seeing this, Thamek Kok Thlok and his people submit themselves to the Divine One, offering him their allegiances and loyalties. Preah Bat Thamek Reach ascends to the throne and rules Nokor Borei with justice, fairness, and honesty. All citizens in the kingdom have the same rights. Evil people are all killed and only good people remain alive. People will live to be 200-year-old. Rain falls will become normal, the country is prosperous once again, and Buddhism will reach the year 5000.
(16) The Buddhist year 2500 (A.D. 1957) is considered to be the mid-way of the Buddhist era.
(17) Wat Unnalomn is located in Phnom Penh near the Royal Palace. Wat Unnalom has always been the center of religious activities in modern day Cambodia. It is the principal residence of one of the highest ranking monk in Cambodia.
(18) The temple is located within the Royal Palace compound. The temple was built by King Norodom I.
(19) Bak Touk was the name of a lake that had been filled with land so that a market (Psar) could be built on it. The market that was built on this location was called Psar Bak Touk ,and it was located south of the present Phnom Penh train station.
(20) Thamek is a person who is very educated and very knowledgeable in scriptures, laws, and moral principles.
(21) Name of a large pond in front of the temple of Banteay Kdei in Siem Reap province. Khmer kings in ancient times went swimming in it.
(22) A layman who coordinates and sets up religious ceremonies.
(23) A principle Vedic deity associated with rain and thunder.
(24) Name of the divine architect, said to be a son of Brahma who presides over all manual labors.
(25) Sacred scripture, treatise, law, code of law, body of laws, and/or legal principles.
(26) The Righteous King, or Divine King, or Divine One.
(27) Thmil Thamek means “The destroyer of knowledge” or a person who destroys things that are of importance to learning.
(28) Wise Man of Nokor Kok Thlok (Cambodia).
(29) Rank of a Buddhist monk above a Samnet, the lowest rank monk.
(30) The mythological guardian angels of the four cardinal directions (Pali: Catulokapala): Kubera in the north, Indra or Dhataraddha in the east, Yama in the south, and Varuna or Virubakha in the west.

Copyrights © 1996 by Kenneth T. So



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