THAILAND'S PREMIER FACES THE MUSIC (2006-Mar-10) Asia Security Monitor : A military coup may be unavoidable if Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra "clings" to his official post, according to a top Thai military official. General Panlop Pinmanee, Thailand's deputy Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) chief, has publicly urged the Thai premier to stand down, or risk "uncontrollable tension" that could necessitate a military revolt to "restore national calm," the Bangkok Post reports. Panlop's comments come as tens of thousands of protesters calling for the Prime Minister's resignation have put Thai security forces on high alert. |
![]() Thaksin recevant Hun Sen |
N.P. : Il y a quelques années à Phnom Penh, le mari de l'ambassadrice d'Australie au Cambodge, un homme d'origine thaïlandaise, a été trouvé mort dans sa résidence diplomatique. On a conclu au suicide. Mais les causes n'ont pas été divulguées.
Enquête sur le meurtre de M. Ieu Koeuss en 1950 Extrait et traduit du livre de M. Samson Fernandez, avocat : Je ne comprends pas pourquoi, alors qu'ordinairement de nombreux agents de la police nationale et ceux de la police municipale étaient en poste devant le siège du Parti démocrate, il n'y en avait aucun au jour de cette réunion. Des bruits disaient que depuis le retour de France de S.E. Ieu Koeuss, le service secret de la police nationale ne l'avait pas lâché d'une semelle. (...) M. Ngèt Hean prenait un cyclopousse pour se rendre de lui-même à l'hôpital Preah Kétomealea. |
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Bon Dieu ! Le commissaire de police était ancien élève de l'école supérieure d'éducation physique de Phan Thiet, et refusait de porter secours à un blessé aussi grave ! Qu'il me soit permis d'exprimer ici, publiquement, au nom de la famille de S.E. Ieu Koeuss, le suivant : Merci infiniment à M. Méchard et au capitaine Lesage d'avoir transporté, sans qu'on leur ait supplié, S.E. Ieu Koeuss gravement blessé dans leur Jeep à l'hôpital. |
Vietnam Keeps Searching for Remains of Soldiers Killed in Cambodia
Khmer Blood : Phnom Penh , Samleng Yuveakchon
Khmer in Cambodian , 19 Jan 06 pp 1, 2
[Report by Li Koy: "Why Are There So Many Vietnamese Bones in Cambodia?"]
The digging for remains by a group of plainclothed Vietnamese troops all
over Cambodia has triggered the suspicion of local and international opinion.
During the 1998 elections, armed uniformed Vietnamese troops were seen
sailing from Vietnam through the Kaoh Thom pass into Kaoh Thom and
districts of Kandal province and from there, they traveled through streams
and lakes all over Cambodia, provoking much alarm and anxiety among Cambodians.
However, after this became public news, the Cambodian authorities explained
that the Vietnamese uniformed and armed troops came to Cambodia to search
for the remains of Vietnamese soldiers killed during the war in the 1970s
and 1980s. The people of Kaoh Thom and Sa'ang districts were puzzled. They
wondered that since 1979 there had been no fighting
in these two districts, then why there were bone-digging activities in
these districts. However, the Vietnamese immediately explained
that these Vietnamese died in the two districts in the war against the
US imperialists during the 1970s.
An Interior Ministry official said that after the people were alarmed by
the presence of armed uniformed Vietnamese troops, the Vietnamese immediately
changed their tactics by ordering their troops to wear civilian clothes
and to leave the army uniforms behind. Security observers said that even
if the Hanoi authorities needed to seek the remains of their soldiers,
they should never let their troops wear military uniforms and carry arms
into Cambodia, for Cambodia is a sovereign country, not a colony of Vietnam.
However, if Hanoi was worried about security and safety of the bone-diggers,
it should ask for co-operation from the Cambodian government to provide
security for these diggers. Maybe Hanoi thought that the ruling Cambodian
People's Party was its puppet. Maybe that was the reason why Hanoi violated
such an elementary international law.
The most alarming thing now is that the Vietnamese troops have gone to
Thom to dig for the remains of their comrades, but those who go to
Kampong Thom are garbed in civilian clothes. So far, Vietnam has repatriated
347 sets of remains. Hanoi claimed that these bones belonged to Vietnamese
soldiers killed during the 1970s and 1980s. Now Hanoi has unearthed another
146 sets of its soldiers' remains in Kampong Thom. Although it has found
another 146 sets of remains, Vietnam has still claimed that many more Vietnamese
troops had died in Cambodia. At the same time, Chey
Saphon, head of the commission for the search of the Vietnamese
soldiers' remains, said that he did not know exactly
how many Vietnamese had died in Cambodia.
Diplomats and observers said that this was beyond doubt that Vietnam had
committed aggression against Cambodia. Just the search for the Vietnamese
soldiers' remains in Cambodia already shows that it was because the Vietnamese
had invaded Cambodia that so many Vietnamese soldiers had died in this
N.P. : Vietnameses occupied Cambodia for more than 10 years. They
had the time to take their killed back. But they willingly left the bones
there and come in to search the remains each time they feel it necessary
to recall us they have toppled Pol Pot. On the other hand they caused every
difficulty to the Americans searching for their MIAs the Americans call
them "les marchands de cadavres"!
the way how many Khmer Rouge soldiers have been killed by the Vietnamese?
Do their surviving chiefs now in the Cambodian government (Hun Sen included)
know their number (and names) and think of looking for their bones?
Tycoons Prepare for New Line of Work in Senate
BY YUN SAMEAN , THE CAMBODIA DAILY - Their interests range from
casinos to the tobacco trade, and on Jan 22 they broadened their interests
once again, when they were elected to the country's highest legislative
body, the Senate. Kok An, who imports and distributes 555 brand
cigarettes, joined his tycoon peers Ly Yong Phat of Hero King Co
Ltd, Mong Reththy of the Mong Reththy Group and Kong Triv
of KT Pacific Group Ltd, when he was elected to a Senate seat. Lav Meng
Khin, a chairman of land concession giant Pheapimex also landed a Senate
seat, as did Men Sarun, the commodity mogul who chairs Men Sarun
Import Export Co. On Monday, Kok An said he would not use his new post
to promote his business interests. "I will not use my position to protect
my property," he said, adding that he plans to use his experience to
help bring in more effective laws. "If there is an inappropriate law,
I will oppose it but I will oppose it in a suitable way--not too extremely,"
he said. "I am committed to help the country and the people."
![]() Mong Reththy |
![]() Norodom Chakrapong |
![]() Khieu Kanharith |
![]() Kong Korm |
Government spokesman and Information Minister Khieu Kanharith said having
businessmen in the Senate win help introduce better laws to protect business.
"All businessmen are not always bad," he said, adding that the tycoons
can explain business to other senators. Prince Norodom
Chakrapong and former Funcinpec prime minister Ung
Huot also assumed seats in the Senate. Ung Huot, who is in his
first government position in eight years, said he was committed to decentralization,
and to helping empower commune councilors. "We have a real partner,
the commune councilors," he said, adding that the Senate can also examine
inappropriate laws that have been passed by the National Assembly.
Kong Korm, acting president of the
Sam Rainsy Party and a newly elected senator, said the Senate was of little
importance. "Having the Senate or not having it, it's the same."
Kong Kom said. "I think they [new senators] don't
use the power for the benefit of the people but to protect their own benefits,"
he said.
Après Ceaucescu, Pinochet, Milosevich, Hissent Habre, à quand
le tour de Norodom Sihanouk ? Tôt ou tard les tyrans passent en jugement
! Pourquoi devrons-nous faire traduire Norodom Sihanouk devant un Tribunal
pour tous les crimes contre l'humanité ? Pour l'Histoire du Cambodge
- Nous, en tant que Khmers, ne pouvons pas oublier la responsabilité
et la culpabilité de Sihanouk dans les crimes contre l'humanité
qui ont eu lieu dans notre pays, à savoir :
I ) - Sous le régime totalitaire du Sangkum Reastr Niyum, parti
unique de Sihanouk :
- Le massacre des soi-disant Khmers Rouges de Samlaut - cf. discours de Sihanouk dans la province de Kampong Thom en date du 19 Août 1968 : "J'ai déjà fait tuer plus d'un millier de Khmers Rouges et cela ne m'a pas empêché de dormir..." - Les exécutions des Khmers Serei ou Khmers Libres : Preap Inn, Chau Bory, Sao Ngoy, Khay Mathura, etc. Sous prétexte de pourparlers, Sihanouk les avait trompés et "on" les avait fait exécuter pour "trahison". Cette "trahison" n'était, en fait, qu'une opposition politique au régime en place (de Sihanouk). - Pour se venger de M. Sam Sary, son jeune frère Sam Doul Neth a été exécuté à sa place - cf. "Mémoires d'un Coup d'Etat" de M. Nouth Chhoeurm (p.98). - Sans parler des autres crimes dont Kou Roun, homme de mains et de confiance de Sihanouk et Ministre de la Sécurité Nationale, a emporté le secret dans sa tombe... |
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II ) - En tant que Chef de l'Etat du Kampuchea Démocratique (Avril 1975-Avril 1976) et ALLIÉ des Khmers Rouges - Co-responsable du génocide qui a causé la mort de plus de 2 millions de Cambodgiens.
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RAPPEL DES FAITS : Après sa "destitution légale" votée
par le Parlement Khmer (Assemblée Nationale et Conseil du Royaume),
Norodom Sihanouk, par obsession de vengeance, est allé s'allier
avec les Khmers Rouges, les Vietcongs et les Nord-Vietnamiens communistes
pour venir combattre la République Khmère et son propre peuple.
- cf. Les propos tenus par Sihanouk le 2 Avril 1976 : "La victoire des Khmers Rouges l'avait comblé au-delà de toute imagination... Vive le Kampuchea Démocratique moha aschar..." ("Cambodge Année Zéro" du Père Ponchaud). N'oublions pas que cette "victoire" de Sihanouk a coûté la vie à plus de 2 millions de personnes...! - cf. Interview accordé à M. Alain Peyrefitte à Pékin (5 Mai 1975) publié dans Paris-Match, Sihanouk disait : "La Reine-Mère (sa propre mère) m'avait "trahi", je l'humilierai... Les bourgeois de P.Penh m'ont "trahi" ainsi que leur pays, je les ferai chasser par la troupe (Khmers rouges) (donc la déportation massive de la population était déjà programmée et minutieusement préparée par Sihanouk)... Quant à Lon Nol, comme il est Khmer et que tous les Khmers sont mes enfants, je le fusillerai avec tendresse..." |
Texte adressé à l'ONU (aux différentes nations - Conseil de Sécurité - Section des Droits de l'Homme ) - aux Organismes Internationaux des Droits de l'Homme - à La Cour Européenne - au Parlement Européen - à la Cour Pénale Internationale de La Haye - au Sénat américain - au Président Bush - au Parlement Français - au Président de la République Française.