China tops Cambodia's foreign investors (2005-Feb-15)
         (Xinhua) : China was on the top of Cambodia's foreign investment countries in 2004, according to the figures of the Center for the Development of Cambodia (CDC). The CDC figures, quoted by Cambodia Sin Chew Daily Monday, showed that the agency approved 55 projects worth US$217 million in fixed assets in 2004, 8 more than 2003. China registered 19 investment projects, worth US$80.4 million, up 144 percent over 2003 and accounting for 37.06 percent of the total registered projects in fixed assets in CDC.
         About 15 projects were in garment sector, worth US$35.10 million. The second was Malaysia with 23.27 million dollars and China's Taiwan ranked the third with US$13.69 million in fixed assets. Chea Vuthy, director of the CDC's Information Department, said that China, as the largest investment country last year, mainly invested in garment sector, tourism, tobacco and food processing. The CDC statistics also showed that industry is still the largest investment sector with the investment accounting for about 52 percent of the total. The investment mainly goes to garment and energy projects, tourism and services sectors.

Après les nouvelles de la "bombe" coréenne (2005-Fév-11)
Monique : Regarde! Chéri!
Sihanouk : Saperlipopette! Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?
Monique : Ce gaga! Il nous montre du doigt et dit des choses monstrueuses!
Sihanouk : Oh! C'est pas grave! Il me prend pour Kim Il Sung!

About the shadow cabinet (2005-Feb-10)
         N.P. : The notions of Opposition Leader, Defense Critic, Tourism Critic, etc. are State institutions and have more than 100 years of age in Great-Britain, Canada, Australia, Ireland.... In these countries, members of government must be elected MPs and sit face to face to the official opposition. Not only the budget but every policy are discussed and approved by voted laws in the Parliament. So l'exécutif et le législatif work together (not like in USA or in France). The Tourism Critic in the shadow cabinet asks questions to the Tourism Minister and will be likely the next boss of the Tourism ministry if the Opposition wins the next election.
         M. Cheam Channy wanted to act as Defense Critic in a country where the opposition is not only un-recognized as "official" in the Constitution, but the very notion of opposition has never been accepted by people in power (not by Sihanouk, nor Lon Nol, nor Pol Pot, nor Pen Sovann?, nor Ar Kbal Pee Phneak Bei, nor Hun Sen). So, maybe the SRP wanted too fast a democracy?
         Anyway, the court can ask for the defense of Cheam Channy those suckers and crooks from Canada and Australia -- the corrupt Cambodian Canadians and Cambodian Australians who have been or are still in the power circle -- to explain la pratique de la démocratie dans des pays à régime parlementaire.

Politique et famine cambodgiennes (2005-Fév-05)

Oncle SAM : Va-t-en! Ne viens plus chanter et danser à Long Beach!

Le Seigneur de KORNG PISEI (SKP) : Ça ne fait rien! Micro en main, j'irai avec ma fille donner un spectacle à Beijing, Pyongyang, Paris, Tokyo et New Delhi!

1) Prominent US Senators ask for sanctions on Phnom Penh government

         Samngatki : In a February 3 letter related to the lifting of the parliamentary immunity of three Cambodian opposition lawmakers, five prominent US Senators – Bill Frist, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Patrick Leahy, and Norm Coleman – ask Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to "immediately review [US] assistance programs for Cambodia and to encourage other donors and international financial institutions to do the same" and to "examine the possibility of imposing sanctions on the Cambodian government unless and until the Assembly reverses its recent action". The letter continues: "Among the possible sanctions we urge you to examine is a visa ban on [Cambodian] members of parliament who voted to strip their colleagues' immunity. Such a ban is consistent with the goals of the President's Proclamation dated January 12, 2004, which establishes a policy of denying entry into the United States to corrupt public officials." The letter forcefully stresses that "the United States must back its words with specific actions." The US Senators also note that National Assembly and Funcinpec President Norodom Ranariddh "has aligned himself with the more hardline elements of the Cambodian People's Party (CPP), including Prime Minister Hun Sen", and that the vision of the current Cambodian leaders for their country's development "apparently includes neither justice nor freedom" given their "penchant for violence and lawlessness."

2) Famine à Korng Pisei, Kampong Speu

           Mme. Ouk Savborey, de Radio Free Asia, a fait le reportage suivant :
           Kampong Speu, 4 février 2005 - Des gens à court de vivres, dans le district de Korng Pisei, ont besoin d'aide d'urgence. Pendant que les autorités s'affairent à relever des statistiques, quelques personnes meurent, d'autres se nourrissent en buvant de l'eau.
           Dans une paillote sans murs et sans escalier, une femme est étendue sur le plancher de moins d'un mètre du sol. Elle a le visage enflé, jauni et pâle, ne peut pas se mettre assise et reste allongée sur les planchettes de bambou.
           À la question "De quoi souffrez-vous ?" elle se met à sangloter longuement. Son mari, Mèn Thoeun, 40 ans, assis à côté, raconte, les larmes aux yeux, que sa femme est Meas Songim, 41 ans et qu'ils ont cinq enfants allant tous à l'école primaire du village.
           Tout à l'heure, un enfant est envoyé emprunter du riz des autres villageois mais revient bredouille, alors ils se sont contentés de boire de l'eau. (...)
           Une tante a permis à Mèn Thoeun de planter sur son bout de terre des légumes. Mais ces légumes trouvent peu d'acheteurs, car en plus de la sécheresse le terrain est sablonneux nécessitant des engrais que la famille ne peut pas s'offrir. (...)
           Cette famille n'a plus aucun grain de riz , comme plus d'une centaine d'autres familles du village de Trâpeang Mean, commune de Snâm Krâpeu.

           Sav est une veuve de 47 ans avec quatre enfants. Son frère cadet, manquant de nourriture en plus d'être malade, vient de mourir. (...)
           M. Ma Savat, chef-adjoint du district de Korng Pisei affirme que 2.316 familles sont affectées par la famine. Le gouverneur de Kampong Speu, Chap Nhalivuth, dit que cinq districts sont en détresse mais les statistiques exactes sont encore en cours d'élaboration. [ PHOTOS  RADIO FREE ASIA ]



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