Un consensus, plusieurs interprétations
Les scientifiques s'entendent sur une chose: la température terrestre a augmenté de façon marquée depuis un siècle. Selon une grande majorité d'entre eux, c'est une activité humaine plus intense qui est la principale responsable du phénomène. Ainsi, nos habitudes de vie provoquent une augmentation du CO2, ce qui amplifie l'effet de serre et réchauffe la planète. Toutefois, une minorité d'entre eux estime que cette explication ne tient pas. Selon le docteur Tim Patterson, paléoclimatologue de l'Université Carleton, ce que l'humain rejette dans l'atmosphère est insignifiant et sans conséquence. Il estime que 98 % des gaz à effets de serre sont causés par l'évaporation naturelle. |
La Cour réfute le scénario de Kruger (2005-Jun-18)
Les Innus remportent la bataille
MARC ROCHETTE, Le Nouvelliste, Trois-Rivières :Après
un mois de délibérations, la juge Danielle Grenier a émis,
hier, une ordonnance de sauvegarde de l'île René-Levasseur
telle que réclamée par les Innus de Betsiamites. En se voyant
refuser l'accès à ce territoire pour ses coupes forestières,
la compagnie Kruger évaluera les impacts de cette décision
dont les allures apocalyptiques ont justement été réfutées
en Cour supérieure. «En Mauricie, cela entraîne une
perte de 27 % des approvisionnements en copeaux provenant de la Côte-Nord
pour l'usine Wayagamack», a toutefois soutenu le vice-président
Affaires publiques chez Kruger, Jean Majeau. «On rencontrera les
représentants des travailleurs au cours des prochains jours afin
de leur communiquer l'impact de la décision», renchérit-il.
Stockwell Day and Cambodia (2005-Jun-05)
Dear Mr. Kear,
Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with me with concerns regarding the reported removal of parliamentary immunity for opposition party members Sam Rainsy, Cheam Channy and Chea Poch in Cambodia, as well as the subsequent arrest of Mr. Channy. As promised, I have taken your concerns forward on your behalf directly to the Minister. Please allow me to quote from her response back to me: "Foreign Affairs Canada is aware of these political developments in Cambodia and is following them closely. We continue to monitor the situation in Cambodia and to actively encourage the Cambodian government to demonstrate respect for democratic principles, including parliamentary immunity. Canada remains committed to supporting democracy in Cambodia. During Cambodia's most recent elections, in July 2003, Canada contributed significantly to the election process and helped to ensure that the elections were fair and credible. Canada also encourages long-term efforts to foster the democratic transformation of Cambodian institutions. The Canadian International Development Agency funds a variety of initiatives in support of good governance and democratic practice in Cambodia. In addition, the Canadian Embassy in Phnom Penh regularly raises the issue of the rule of law at meetings with Cambodian officials. Furthermore, the Canadian delegation to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights successfully fought for the inclusion, in the resolution on Cambodia, of language to encourage respect for, and further development of, democratic institutions. Please be assured that the importance that Canadians attach to good governance, democracy, and the rule of law will continue to inform our efforts as we further our bilateral ties with Cambodia." This concludes the Minister's response to me. I do not entirely share her perspective, nevertheless this appears to be the government's position. I will continue to do all I can to support democracy in Cambodia. Please let me know if I should be doing something more on this file. Yours sincerely,
Stockwell Day, M.P.
Vancouver man given 10-year sentence for sex crimes in Vancouver
and Cambodia (2005-Jun-03)
VANCOUVER (CP) - A judge who sentenced
a former hotel worker to 10 years in prison Thursday for a string of sadistic
sex crimes said the man preyed on the most vulnerable by attacking prostitutes
in Vancouver and having sex with children in Cambodia. Donald Bakker, 41,
became the first Canadian to be convicted under a federal law designed
to combat child sex tourism when he
pleaded guilty Wednesday. He admitted to one count of sexual assault and
two counts of sexual assault causing bodily harm involving three prostitutes
in Vancouver. He also pleaded guilty to seven counts of sexual interference
on children under the age of 14 in Cambodia.
"Right-thinking members of society must be outraged," said Judge
Joseph Galati in sentencing Bakker, who videotaped his brutal sexual violence
against three prostitutes and sexual exploitation of seven young girls.
Bakker, a balding man, didn't face the judge in provincial court but sat
looking in the opposite direction. Along with his 10-year sentence, Bakker
must also provide a DNA sample, register with a sexual-offender registry
and is prohibited from owning firearms for 10 years. Galati said that although
the three prostitutes Bakker assaulted consented to the brutal sexual acts
inflicted on them, they did not consent to bodily harm. He called sex-trade
workers vulnerable members of society who must be protected. "From their
demeanour they were willing to endure violence, humiliation and degradation
to secure money for their next fix," Galati said. Bakker's actions
deeply harmed the women, Galati said. "I watched the pain and shame
that these women exhibited when they had to watch the tapes at the preliminary
Bakker's guilty pleas mean they won't have to sit through that a second
time at a trial. "The Vancouver complainants have been spared from having
to testify again and more important, from my point of view, from having
to watch the videotapes again," Galati said. Vancouver police Insp.
Tom McCluskie said the violent images on the videotapes had an emotional
impact on investigators, who received counselling to cope. "These were
very, very disturbing tapes even for the most seasoned, veteran police
officers," McCluskie said, adding that at one point, the year-long
probe involved 53 officers. He wouldn't say what he thought might have
motivated Bakker to commit the sexual assaults.
Brian McConaghy, a forensic scientist with the RCMP who does charity work
in Cambodia, said that country's government, along with non-governmental
organizations such as World Vision,
were instrumental in the investigation. Police used background shots of
walls and doors, for example, to identify the exploited children in Svay
Pak, Cambodia, where Bakker sexually assaulted girls aged seven and
12 between February and March 2003. Galati said the constitutionality of
the child sex tourism law hasn't yet been tested by any court and a trial
would have been bogged down. "Just the legal issues might have kept
this case from going before the courts for some considerable time." Galati
said neither he nor any of the Crown or defence lawyers are aware of a
similar case involving such violence and degradation. He said the child
sex trade "only exists, or largely exists, because of Mr. Bakker and
others like him." The charges were seen as ground-breaking because
they marked the first time anyone had been prosecuted under the child sex
tourism law, which was enacted in June 2002 and no longer requires the
consent of the foreign country where allegations of sexual abuse took place.
Bakker's lawyer, Kevin McCullough, and the Crown prosecutor, made a joint
submission to the judge for a 10-year prison sentence. Bakker has already
served 18 months in jail and that time will count for double, meaning he
faces seven more years in jail. Bakker was arrested Dec. 2, 2003, at a
park in the gritty Downtown Eastside after police received a 911 call about
a naked woman crying and screaming from a bush.
Eurocopter pose un appareil sur le "toit du monde" (2005-Mai-30)
PARIS (AP) - C'est une première mondiale: Eurocopter,
le constructeur européen d'hélicoptères, a annoncé
avoir posé l'un de ses appareils au sommet du mont Everest, à
8.850 mètres d'altitude. L'hélicoptère
Ecureuil/AStar AS350B3 s'est posé le 14 mai sur le "toit du monde",
établissant un nouveau record mondial d'atterrissage et de décollage
à haute altitude, indique Eurocopter sur son site Internet. L'appareil,
piloté par Didier Delsalle, a décollé du camp de base
de Lukla (Népal), situé à 2.866 mètres, et
est resté au sommet pendant plus de deux minutes, précise
le constructeur. Vingt-quatre heures plus tard, l'hélicoptère
a réédité cette performance.
"Atteindre ce sommet mythique semblait être un rêve",
a commenté Didier Delsalle en sortant de l'hélicoptère.
"Malgré les difficultés évidentes pour parvenir
à cet objectif, l'appareil a démontré sa capacité
à faire face à cette situation (...) sublimée par
la magie de l'endroit." Eurocopter, qui est une division du groupe
aéronautique et de défense EADS, a fait savoir qu'il avait
soumis l'exploit à la Fédération aéronautique
internationale (FAI) pour qu'elle homologue ce record mondial. Le précédent
était détenu par un hélicoptère Cheetah, variante
du Lama, avec une altitude de 7.670 mètres. Fabrice Brégier,
président d'Eurocopter,
a immédiatement félicité le pilote et son équipe
pour cette prouesse. Selon lui, ce record, réalisé avec un
hélicoptère de série, "montre une nouvelle fois
les qualités uniques de l'Ecureuil/AStar AS350 B3", à la
fois "polyvalent, fiable, rapide et confortable".
Pendant la période d'essais qui a précédé le
record, Didier Delsalle et son appareil ont effectué plusieurs missions
pour les autorités népalaises. L'entraînement pour
cet exploit a commencé dès avril 2004. L'Ecureuil/AStar
AS350 B3 avait alors réussi un vol expérimental à
8.892 mètres à Istres (France). Le 14 avril dernier, il était
monté à 3.000, 6.000 et 9.000 mètres, en respectivement
deux minutes et 21 secondes, cinq minutes et six secondes, neuf minutes
et 26 secondes, soit mieux que les précédents records détenus
par un Ecureuil/AStar AS350 B1, qui étaient pour les mêmes
altitudes de deux minutes et 59 secondes, six minutes et 55 secondes, 13
minutes et 52 secondes. Pour l'instant, 3.670 Ecureuil/AStar ont été
vendus dans le monde et ont effectué 15 millions d'heures de vol.
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